Do you already know what konjac is?

Do you already know what konjac is?

We had already talked about it on our Facebook page, but we had never gone into so much detail. This week we want to tell you why Konjac is becoming one of the trendiest ingredients in oriental cuisine, what is its origin, what are its main advantages and nutritional benefits and how it can be found in food shops.
To begin with, Konjac, also known as konjak or konjaku, is a perennial plant from Southeast Asia, from Japan and China to southern Indonesia.

A common ingredient in oriental cuisine, its main component is glucomannan, a dietary fibre that is notable for being low in calories and protein but with fibre and a dozen amino acids and microelements essential for the proper functioning of the human body. It is precisely for this reason that Konjac can be easily found in dietary treatments or supplements, as well as in many of the diets recommended by the best specialists in the field. The growing concern about what we eat has proliferated the growth in demand for this type of ingredient, which today is already positioned as a revolution in kitchens all over the world.

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Konjac is a versatile ingredient that can be applied to an infinite number of recipes. Konjac pasta, Konjac rolls, instant Konjac noodles, Konjac udon or Konjac powder for those who prefer it as a condiment for their dishes. An infinite number of products that we can add to our weekly menu and thus discover its two main nutritional benefits: it is a low-calorie ingredient, as we have already pointed out, at around 9.6 kcal per 100g. Konjac contains fewer calories than cucumber (10 kcal per 100 g). It is also an ideal cleansing ingredient as it captures toxins and helps to eliminate them.

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