
New noodle and ramen cooker

In the last year, noodles and ramen (the Japanese version of Chinese noodle soup) have become the go-to dishes for those looking to add an exotic, easy-to-prepare and delicious dish to their menus. More and more noodle addicts are becoming noodle addicts, just as more and more outlets and restaurants are offering this type of original Japanese recipe.

In order to facilitate its preparation in these spaces, the Oriental Market Group, the main importer of Asian products in our country and specialist in machinery and oriental cooking utensils for the Horeca channel, is pleased to present its first “Oriental Pasta Cooker”. A practical industrial machine that allows you to prepare noodles and ramen, Japanese products, as well as other types of pasta, in a faster and more effective way. A solution to the problems of time in the kitchen and that speeds up its preparation.
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Gunkan with tuna recipe

Today we turn on the cookers at Oriental Market to start cooking oriental recipes that we will be explaining month by month in our blog. A culinary corner where the gastronomy of more than 14 Asian countries will be present, places where all the ingredients in our shop come from. A space to talk about cooking, discover how to improve each dish, tell us about your experiences and also, where we will be able to publish the Japanese recipes or those from other countries that you send us to So, shall we get started? Today: Sushi gunkan with tuna. Read more

7-spice dressing!

This week we would like to talk about Shichimi Togarashi, the Japanese seven-spice seasoning. Perhaps many of you are not familiar with it, and that is why we wanted to dedicate this article to talk about this condiment that is widely used in Japanese cuisine. If you like spicy flavours, you won’t be able to resist trying this delicious and very practical oriental seasoning. Read more

Grilled asparagus in dashi broth recipe

This week, we bring you a largely familiar dish with an oriental twist. This is a dish made with delicious green asparagus, a type of asparagus that was introduced to Japan by the Dutch in the 18th century and was initially cultivated as an ornamental plant. However, the benefits of this foodstuff in the diet soon became apparent, and its use in cooking became increasingly popular. The asparagine they contain is transformed into an amino acid when digested, which promotes a healthy metabolism, providing energy for the body and keeping the skin healthy. Read more

Temaki! Nori seaweed cones

So far, on the Oriental Market blog, we have often talked about a well-known and widely used ingredient in Japanese cuisine: nori seaweed. In some of our previous articles, we had talked about this seaweed as an essential ingredient in the preparation of classic sushi or recipes such as “Tuna Gunkan” , but also as an oriental snack, an appetizer that causes a sensation among lovers of this flavour. This week, we do not leave nori seaweed aside, and we do so by talking about its shape when it is called temaki. Let’s start…   Read more

Spicy Edamame Recipe

Yes, it is one of the most fashionable ingredients in oriental cuisine. But do we really know what edamame is? Edamame used to be the young, precociously harvested soybeans until the late 17th century, when special strains of edamame were developed. Like their older sisters, edamame stand out for their high nutritional content, being rich in protein, minerals, calcium and vitamin B1, as well as vitamin C, which soybeans do not contain.  Read more

How to cook with a Wok

We thought it was a tool only for oriental cooking, but now more and more people have a Wok in their kitchens alongside their own Western frying pans and pots. The Wok has become a basic tool for healthy cooking in just a few minutes. Would you like to know more about its history, advantages and expert advice for its daily use? Take note… Read more

Soba noodles

The great popularity of Japanese culture in our country has meant that in recent years many of the dishes and ingredients of its traditional cuisine are no longer so unfamiliar. Sushi, for example, is one of them, but there are also others with which we are becoming familiar, such as “Soba”.

The word Soba (蕎麦) is used to distinguish buckwheat, but it is also used to refer to the long thin noodles made with buckwheat flour. But this week, at Oriental Market we are going a little further, to talk to you NOT about noodles, but about noodles! The proportion of buckwheat flour may vary depending on the manufacturer, but it is almost always combined with a small part of common wheat flour. They have a characteristic brown colour and a flat profile. Do you want to know our “Soba” noodles? Take a look, take a look! Read more

Udon Noodle Soup Recipe

With Leek and Beef! This is the fantastic Japanese recipe that we bring you today, Friday, to our blog. A nutritious and daring noodle soup to welcome the lower temperatures that are already announced for this weekend. As the authentic recipe is made with a variety of spring onion with a long white stalk that can only be found in Asian grocery stores, we have opted to use leeks to facilitate the preparation process. Spring onions and leeks have very similar health properties and help you to enjoy a warm recipe like this one, an excellent solution against colds! Do you want to know the step by step? Read more